You can find me on Facebook at “Kayleigh Lang Art” and on Instagram at “kayleighmarielang” I look forward to connecting with you all!
Words of all types: writing, spoken word, storytelling and more! All genres welcome. Seek out a book club or writing group, mark your calendar for visiting authors, or find ways to tell your story live onstage. If you are specifically interested in poetry, check out our Poet Laureate page, too!
Karen Mobley
Nature is my inspiration, the source of almost all of my works. The root of my curiosity with nature comes from a childhood growing up on an elk refuge in Wyoming and many years of hiking, walking the ditch, reflecting on the birds, animals, plants, sky, and streams. I work as visual artist, poet and arts consultant to community organizations. I am active in Rotary 21 and serve as the co-chair of the International Service Committee and work to raise money to provide grants for potable water in rural areas of Africa and South America. I was named one of the Spokesman-Review’s Difference Makers in Spokane for 2018. I was honored as a Spokane Citizen Hall of Fame inductee for Arts and Letters and with a Whitworth University Distinguished Community Service Award. I have exhibited widely including at the Terrain Gallery (2019), City of Spokane Downtown Library (2019) and the Moses Lake Museum and Art Center (2020).
Artist Meet Up – Balancing Art/Work/Life
Join us for a series of Artist Meet Up events! Spokane Arts presents a new networking and professional development series taking place in galleries and venues throughout Spokane. These free events will be an opportunity for artists to learn, meet and discuss themes relevant to our arts community.
Arts & Letters Series: Broadside Showcase
Join us at Spokane Print & Publishing Center for an exhibit of print broadsides featuring writing and artwork created as part of the Arts & Letters workshop series, a collaboration between Spark Central and Spokane Print & Publishing Center.
Arts & Letters Series: Letterpress for Broadside
TWO SESSIONS · The broadside is an 11 x 17 poster with text and image. Participants from earlier Arts & Letters sections can use their poems and drawings/carvings to compose a poster, while anyone else can take this section using existing images, print blocks, and text.
Arts & Letters Series: Screen Print for Broadside
Participants will transfer their art to a blank screen by painting out the negative areas using an ink-blocking paint. Once the screen is blocked and taped off, a squeegee is used to pull ink across the screen to transfer the design to paper and create a 1 color print.
Arts & Letters Series: Relief Printmaking
Students will be introduced to the traditional process of relief printmaking by way of transferring a previously designed concept onto a block, carving the design, and printing and reproducing it onto paper. In this particular workshop, students will work on mounted linoleum
Arts & Letters Series: Poetry & Image
Text and imagery can be combined into an artistic whole to create a powerful, expressive piece of art. In this workshop, students will learn the fundamentals of poetry, short prose, and illustration. Students will apply these concepts to a piece of art that will combine their writing with an image.
24 Hour Comic Book & Art Day
The Challenge: Make a 24-page comic book or finished work of art in 24 hours. We start on Saturday, October 12th at 10 a.m. and make art until Sunday, October 13th at 10 a.m. This event is free, all ages, and open to the public.
Pen & Paper: Teen Writing Group
Teens · Join us for a supportive young writers’ community. Bring works in progress to share, get inspired by creative prompts, and spend some focused time writing. Hosted by local writer Kailee Haong, this program is free thanks to community support every second and fourth Thursday!
Pen & Paper: Teen Writing Group
Teens · Join us for a supportive young writers’ community. Bring works in progress to share, get inspired by creative prompts, and spend some focused time writing. Hosted by local writer Kailee Haong, this program is free thanks to community support every second and fourth Thursday!