
Curious about Spokane’s growing fashion scene? Begin by checking out nonprofit Runway Renegades, who’ve hosted an annual fashion show featuring local designers for over a decade. They use proceeds from ticket sales to support local designers, and those designers, in turn, volunteer with organizations supporting at-risk youth. 

Trevon Walton

My name is Trevon Walton. I am an artist who has been spending my entire life finding ways to express myself and what I feel. I am a creative, finding love and passion in any and every medium that I touch, but I also find the ability to speak in a manner that can be difficult for me to do otherwise, it allows me to express myself in a raw, unfiltered manner. It also allows me to project part of me or my spirit into every thing I create, every detail of every painting, song, and body of work. My goal is to ultimately change the world, and give a platform for people like me, who may have been discouraged to be creative, and show them that being creative and expressive can ultimately heal in such a beautiful way. With these songs and these images, I tell you my story.

Hasson Harris

Hasson Harris has been creating works in Fashion Photography , Baking, film, digital art and painting since 2007. Before relocating to the PNW area in 2017 from Los Angeles, he was an industry standard fashion photographer and stylist which lead him to open and head his own agency Slater Management. Once relocating to Spokane he dived into another passion of film making, writing and directing his first horror short Manic Macabre. Manic Macabre is now in pre production for a full length feature entitled Buck Eighty, continuing story. His work, heavily inspired by pop culture , 90s Nostalgia and Music. All these aesthetics shaped what he believes to be his signature style. Born in the Bronx Ny, and raised a military brat, he has always been surrounded by diversity which plays a very big part in his creative outlets for inspiration. He is never not creating without music. Tom Tom Club, Genius of Love being his personal theme, with Stacey Lattisaw’s Attack of the Name Game running close behind. He enjoys dabbling in all forms of creativity and its outlets for as he says “it’s just heartbeats for my monster.”

Julia Gillette

BigFoot, Sasquatch, Yowie, Yeti all names for our fury Hide and go seek Friuend that lives amoung us in the PNW, but for many true Believers of bigFoot it is an Experience> Not only is BigFoot Mysterious but is very cultural and Native Americans in Washington State , the Sasquatch is very serious and very much a part of their culture for they are considered “The Watchers ” and “The Protectors of the Forest”, I wish to eventually have a Museum and a Cultural Interpretive Center to educate and to protect the Species. Eventually as our technology increases we will have identified and added Sasquatch to our list of Native Species …In Fact The Army Core of Engineers has already done so …There was a book put out by the Army Core of Engineers in the early 1970’s where the book listed 4 pages of Genius/ Species and Habitat of Sasquatch in Washington State, and guess what ? ..The residents/ taxpayers of Washington actually paid for the distribution of the book ” The Genius and Species of Washington State. Regardless many Native Americans and true belivers feel that Sasquatch is very Magical and has many capabilities that us humans may have but don’t use like telepathy for example. My artwork will express the roles and function of Sasquatch and its importance in the Natural World and Food Chain. The Artwork will also express the importance of light, and beautiful sinquences of the Natural World and a world “Before” Humans transformed our every day environment of concrete, paved roads, and destruction of our environment. Nothing Negetive will be portrayed, Only Beautiful , Postive Portrayls and Reflections of what Sasquatch sees “Through Their Eyes” , Some written words, some poetry, mixed media, Murals, Watercolor, Acrylic, Oils ect