SAGA Applicant Resources
Complete eligibility information for SAGA can be read here.
Do you know someone who could use up to $10,000 to realize their arts projects or programming? Be sure they know about SAGA’s information sessions and grantwriting seminars! Information Sessions help grant writers learn about SAGA: a local, accessible grants program designed to assist local artists, businesses, and organizations with their work and grant writing skills. Grantwriting Seminars help artists learn the details of applying to SAGA, covering elements like the strategic plan, budget, and best practices.
Spokane Arts’ former Grants Administrator and SAGA designer, Dawn Knickerbocker, has identified three characteristics that help make a successful grant writer! Read her advice here.
If you are interested in a free information session or grantwriting seminar for you or your group, please email us.
SAGA Calendar
SAGA conducts three grantmaking rounds every calendar year. To successfully apply for support, you need to know SAGA’s deadlines, grant periods, and announcement dates. Find all that information here!

Templates & Samples
To encourage best practices in preparing your applications for SAGA, we provide templates for each of our applications. You CANNOT apply to SAGA by submitting these documents. They are only to allow you to review the complete application offline, compose your answers using the support of proper writing software (spelling, grammar, etc.), and more easily share your writing with others in your project and/or those willing to read and help you perfect your proposal.
You cannot upload the required samples with these forms, or provide answers to short response or checkbox questions with these documents.
Once you have used your template to compose your answers to the essay portions of the application, you can copy your responses from the template into the online form for submission to SAGA. It is in the actual online application where you will be able to upload your samples and complete the shorter questions in the application before submission.
Strategic Plan
Are you planning on applying for Operating Support Only from SAGA? If so, you will need a strategic plan. Here is a sample strategic plan. Please note: not all of the plan’s sections will apply to you or your needs.
If you are looking for an example budget for either a project or operational support, look no further. All budgets are comprised of two basic lists: expenses (the money you want to spend) and income (the money you’ll earn) for your proposal. Together, these two lists tell the story of your work with numbers, and should match your narrative.
The grants community is diverse, and so is the terminology we use to talk about roles and aspects of the grants lifecycle. SAGA aims to be low-barrier, user-friendly and community driven. Here is a glossary of grant terminology based on the SAGA functionality.
Business for Artists
Do you need some general advice about the business side of being an artist? We have compiled a list of business license resources for your use.
SAGA Recipient Resources
Congratulations on your SAGA! Following the announcement of the award and disbursal of the funds, you can use the links below to help you publicize your award and then create your SAGA report.
SAGA Publicity
Announcing Your SAGA
How do you announce your SAGA? When you received your award, you agreed to give appropriate mention of your funding. Spokane Arts wants to help support and amplify the work you are doing in our city and region, and have provided resources for you to get the word out.
SAGA Report
Budget Tracking
All grant funds should be managed prudently and should be used for the purposes set forth in the award letter and approved proposal, defined as the scope. SAGA requires that you provide Spokane Arts with a list of verifiable expenses and receipts for those expenditures when reporting out.
If it’s helpful for you, use this Excel tool to track your expenses related to your grant award.
SAGA funds, like most grants, are reported as income. Spokane Arts requires that all grant recipients fill out tax reporting information.
Submit Your Final Report
If you are a SAGA Grantee, and you are ready to submit your final report, click on the button below. Final Reports are due within one year of your grant award, but may be submitted as early as you wish. SAGA allows a grant period of up to one year from the Award Date. The one-year period is intended to allow a grantee adequate time to plan, execute, and report out. Please note: All final reports are processed through our online software.
Looking for Additional Resources?
Want to apply for more grants, residencies, and need some ideas?