
Make no mistake: there are rich cultural offerings throughout Spokane. From the annual Gathering at the Falls Powwow to the South East Asia Cultural Association’s events featuring internationally-renowned musicians and dancers, to Fiesta Spokane (the Hispanic Heritage Festival), Unity in the Community, and so much more. These events and gatherings weave together music, food, dancing, art, storytelling, and more, creating celebrations of heritage while welcoming people of all cultural backgrounds.  

Event: Opens November 11
28th Annual Fall Folk Festival

The Spokane Fall Folk Festival is the premier annual multicultural event in the Inland Northwest. Since 1996 the Folk Festival, sponsored by the Spokane Folklore Society, has been bringing music and dance from many different traditions to the two-day event each November. This Festival showcases regional musical artists and performing groups who represent cultures from around the globe and has inspired similarly styled festivals. What makes this festival shine is that we advertise our schedules and highlight performers in advance to encourage attendance. In 2023 the festival received the Inlander’s Best Of poll award for 3rd for the Best Arts Festival. Spokane Folklore Society is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization dedicated to fostering American and International cultures in Spokane.

Event: October 5
TERRAIN 14 – Preview Night

Terrain is the region’s largest multimedia art and music event. Featuring work by hundreds of artists, celebrating new energy and fresh ideas from all over the artistic spectrum, we try to showcase a little of everything that’s happening to make the Inland Empire a more vibrant, cultural and beautiful place to live.

Preview Night was created in response to requests for a more intimate way to experience Terrain. Think of it as a sneak peek of the main event, and an opportunity to engage with the artists and the artwork in a chill setting. Skip the lines, meet the artists, buy art first, and support Terrain!

Event: October 6
TERRAIN 14 – Main Event

Always on the first Friday in October, Terrain is an annual, one-night-only, juried multimedia art and music event celebrating artists in the Spokane area. From painting to poetry to interactive art and film, we try to showcase a little of everything that’s happening to make the Inland Empire a more vibrant, cultural and beautiful place to live. In addition to all the visual art, there will be a full musical lineup, literary readings, film screenings, dance and other performances, food trucks, beer garden, photo booth, thousands of your closest friends, and more!

Event: September 30
Sweet 16 for the Little Spokane River Artist Studio Tour

Spokane, WA) The Little Spokane River Artist Studio Tour turns Sweet 16 in 2023, and the milestone event will showcase the art of 50 artists, on Saturday, September 30, at five studios, located in the stunning Little Spokane River Valley. “When we started the Little Spokane River Artist Studio Tour 16 years ago, we had no idea that we would receive such tremendous support year-in and year-out from art lovers throughout the Spokane area,” co-founder Gina Freuen said. “Artists share their vision, but art collectors sustain the vision through their encouragement and support.”The 2023 outdoor show will be held on Saturday, September 30th from 10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., at the studios of Gina Freuen, Jill Smith, Victoria Brace, Maggie Andersen, and Colista Krebs. The studios are close enough to one another, making it convenient to visit the artists at all five studios, while doing it against the backdrop of a beautiful, Fall day, in one of the most idyllic settings in Eastern Washington. The Little Spokane River studio artists share their creative visions through a variety of mediums: painting including oil, acrylic, watercolor, encaustic, and resin; sculpture; clay and pottery; jewelry; glass, wood; fiber arts; clothing, costumes and garmenting; photography; printmaking; ceramics; leather; gauche; stone; paper arts such as collage and Origami; and tapestry bags.This year’s show will include fan favorites, artists who are beloved and collected across the Spokane area and around the country, as well as emerging artists making their mark through memorable, creative expressions.