Captivated by nature and flowers, my focus is on floral and plant based art, celebrating botanical beauty via work on wood panel, canvas, watercolor paper, and, most recently, ceramics.
Artist Roster
The Spokane Arts artist roster is a searchable tool designed to showcase local creatives and connect them with community members seeking artists and makers. Browse the entire roster to discover a new favorite artist or filter by the type of work you’re seeking. You’ll find samples of their work, a description of what drives them to create and links to check out their website or social media. Use the roster to discover the incredible talent living right here in our community. Please note: the artist roster is a free resource directory to find artists. Any local artist can add their information. The artists on the roster are not endorsed or represented by Spokane Arts.
In order to foster a thriving creative community where artists can make a living doing their work, Spokane Arts believes in the importance of paying artists. Too often, creatives are asked to provide time, labor, materials, or finished work for free. While most of us wouldn’t ask an electrician, CPA or nurse to provide their professional services at no cost — knowing they trained and studied to gain expertise — artists are often asked to donate their services. Many artists and creatives do choose to donate their time to causes they care deeply about, but to make a living, doing work for free should be the exception, not the rule. We humbly ask you to keep this in mind when contacting creatives on the roster, and know that you can always ask an artist to give you a cost estimate or written proposal to review. Questions? Don’t hesitate to ask our staff; we’d be happy to help guide you. Contact
Are you an artist/maker/creative based in the Spokane region? Submit your information here to be added to the roster.
Courtney Marshall
I am a traditional illustrator, working mostly with dry mediums such as graphite, marker and charcoal.
Ken Scott
I make decorative and functional ceramics, wheel thrown, hand carved and glazed, inspired by my life experiences including travel to other countries and by my love for nature.
Emily Moyer
I am a Spokane lifer. I was born right next door in CDA and grew up here in Spokane. I think the pacific northwest is beautiful and definitely one of a kind.
Leela Francis
Before immersing myself in the world of the healing arts, in my early 20’s I was fortunate to study fine arts. I was introduced to the concept of the right or creative brain at art school in my home town of Montreal, Canada.
Dj Moon
Dj Moon is an inquisitive, self-taught artist who practices in the Spokane area. She practices in a variety of mediums, including digital art, portraiture, acrylic painting, watercolor painting, and sculpture, but she particularly favors and excels in simply drawing with a pencil and paper.
Nanette Cloud
Nanette is a shapeshifting webwitch who makes intimate and otherworldly comics as an irreverent act of worship to Goddex’s of chaos, change, and fnord.
Andrew Young
I am a digital collage artist whos primary interest is scifi/surreal pieces of art using multiple layers of different photos using Photoshop
Gwyn Pevonka
I am an artist, focusing on the intricacies of everyday life. What excites me most about what I make is that I’m on a path of discovery and exploration of paint as subject, object, material, and texture.
Oriana Sage
Oriana Sage is a fine artist, specializing in detailed nature drawings, vivid color palettes, and the ability to merge beautiful abstraction with life-filled realism.
Mica Pointer
For every project I go into, that is the most important consideration I make. Whether it is a script I am writing, a costume I am sewing, or an historical interpretation I am presenting, this question guides my work through every step of the process.