The second half of the company’s season two will include the show Romeo & Juliet in July, with eight performances,
followed by Goodnight Desdemona, (Good Morning Juliet) in September with eight performances.
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Sindhu Surapaneni
Surapaneni will install a canvas print of her painting in a handful of
public schools across Liberty Lake and Spokane, working closely with each school to
determine size and placement.
Mallory Battista and Lisa Soranaka
Battista and Soranaka will execute a large mosaic sculpture for
the public, to be installed at the base of the Monroe hill. The sculpture will incorporate
tiles made by community members at free workshops, which the two will host
throughout their studio residency at The Hive.
The Smokes
Alexander and Slater will hold youth songwriting workshops, kicked
off by a performance by The Smokes. After a performance, the band provides an
explanation of their songwriting process and a workshop focused on improvisation and
incorporating personal experiences into art.
Marten Norr
Marten (also known as the Actual Flower Prince) is a multimedia artist and recent transplant to the Spokane area. He works in many different mediums – collage, acrylics, oils, watercolors, embroidery, and wood, to name a few! – and draws inspiration from the natural world.
Diane Rowen Garmire
“The world always seems brighter when you’ve just made something that wasn’t there before.” Neil Gaiman
I’ve loved art for as long as I can remember and am really excited to learn more about acrylics as I grow my skills in the years to come!
Jakob Chester
My journey alongside photography has taken me to far corners of the country and continues to push me around the world.
Tom Tarpley
Songwriting (genre neutral), pre and post-production, percussionist, Piano.
Benjamin Giachetti
Benjamin Giachetti was born and raised in Spokane, WA, and desires to create his own work of art.
Gary Seaton
Much of my work now centers on natural beauty and landscapes of the farm and regions I associated with. I hope all can enjoy the subtle meanings and messages of calm that I see when working with the cattle or the forest solitudes
Chandler Wheeler
Chandler Wheeler is a painter, graphic designer, and mixed medium artist. They capture life at the intersections of queerness, disability, and neurodivergence, and reject the competitiveness in arts that capitalism so often encourages; there is room at the artistic table for all creators.