For Kids

Looking for classes for your child or a family-friendly activity? We can help! If you’re looking for places where your child can take classes or workshops designed for kids, check out Spark Central, Shine Youth Center, or Spokane Art School. Spokane’s public libraries and parks also offer a wide range of free programming for kids and families. 

Event: April 3
Virtual First Friday

Join Spokane Arts and Downtown Spokane Partnership as we celebrate a Virtual First Friday! Even as we Stay Home, Stay Healthy, our community has a wealth of artwork to share. Share your #VirtualFirstFriday events with us by tagging Spokane Arts, post links to your events below, or emailing details to! Artists, tag @SpokaneArts here and on Instagram to show us your new work! We’ll be sharing events, live streams, and artwork all day on Friday, April 3 for you to enjoy from your home.