Andrea VanVoorhis is a fine art painter with an MFA degree from Claremont graduate university. She was employed as a professor at EWU Cheney until 2020. She is currently starting her own art business.
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“Layer by Layer” opens at Chase Gallery
Spokane Arts kicks off the new year with an exciting new exhibit at the Chase Gallery, opening Friday, January 7. Layer by Layer features the work of Madison Jones, Emily Somoskey, and Aleeta Renee Jones, and will be open through February 25, 2022.
Frederick Manfred Simon
Specializing photography, writing, media, multimedia, and public relations productions and products.
Vytal Movement Dance
Vytal Movement Dance will present a dance concert titled, Together We Dance, that celebrates our way back together as community. The work will be performed three times in the Spring of 2022.
Lucas Brookbank Brown
Brown is receiving support from SAGA to record and produce of a compilation album featuring original songs from four local individual emerging artists.
Kemuel DeMoville
DeMoville is receiving SAGA support to write two short plays. These plays will eventually join a total of seven or eight new short works by DeMoville in a suite of Theatre for Youth plays entitled, “Bridges.”
Posie Kalin
Kalin will use both digital and traditional arts as the vehicles for learning and expressing concepts in biodiversity with students at Spokane’s Pratt Academy.
Ari Nordhagen
The Spokane Cookbook will share, celebrate, and support the stories and efforts of Spokane’s important culinary industry.
Inland Northwest Opera (INO)
The Opera Truck is INO’s newest program: a 16-foot box truck, which has been converted into a mobile stage to employ artists, expand INO’s audience, and provide educational programs through Covid restrictions.
Latah Books
Latah Books is working to position itself as one of the emerging and independent literary destinations for memoirists, while diversifying the authors they promote.
Hank J Chiappetta
A traditional hardwood carver, with a mallet and chisel Hank Chiappetta carves in the round hardwood sculptures, large and small scale. He also paints in a modern style contemporary in watercolor.