Originally a one-woman comedy show by actor and writer Aimee Paxton, untouchable is a comedy short film inspired by true stories about the pains of growing up. It tells the story of a girl growing up while navigating and overcoming limitations, bullying, and learning what it means to be a “good” person. untouchable is also a story that helps represent people of different abilities on the screen, as the main character struggles from physical disabilities that range from apparent to not-so-obvious.
Together with local video production company Kindnss, Paxton and her team have already filmed all of the scenes for the short film and the untouchable project is in its final stages. However, in order to compete in national and international film festivals and reach a maximum audience, professional-level finishing on sound, score, and color is necessary. SAGA will help bring untouchable through its final stages by providing the support necessary to employ Spokane area professionals to complete scoring, coloring, and sound design. The project will also culminate in a public Spokane-area premiere before debuting at other film festivals.
A portion of this support was provided by a generous donation to SAGA by 50-hour Slam!