essiray Wheeler is a painter and a poet living on the Spokane Indian Reservation. She has been published in the Yehaw Indigenous Art Zine and has shown in both the We Are Still Here Art Show and the Gathering At the Falls Art Show. Her work has been chosen to represent NICWAs 39th Annual Protecting Our Children Conference (2021).
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Vincent Stevens
Vincent loves to make custom work! Paintings for yourself, loved ones, man cave, office, MURALS, you name it!
Nicole Locker
Nicole strives to connect others and create the most value for the viewer through her intricate levels of detail.
Miguel Maltos Gonzales
Miguel Maltos Gonzales, originally from San Anonio, TX, is a Chicano artist blending his Mexican and American heritage into a visual representation of being bi-cultural.
Maura Garcia
Maura García (non-enrolled Cherokee/Mattamuskeet) is a Dancer Choreographer who creates contemporary Indigenous performance.
Sid Al-Thumali
Sid is an Arab-American theatre artist residing in Spokane. He’s the creative/resident director of The Traveling Theater Company for Wayward Artists.
Novavilla J. Whitney
Novavilla is a local artist born and raised here in small town Walla Walla. She works on visual art with mediums such as fine detailed pen work and sculpture.
Gaye Hallman
Gaye is an author, poet, and graphic designer. She also works as a life style coach and insurance agent.
Christy Branson
Christy’s work is all about process: the action of slowly adding thin layers of melted wax and pigment to a wood surface.
Chrysta Kay
Chrysta’s illustration work is heavily influenced by nature and how humans interact and connect with the natural world.
Shawn Trail
Shawn’s background includes being a multi-percussionist, composer, sound designer, studio music producer, audio engineer, tonmeister, recording historian/preservationist, digital artist and applied audio computer scientist working at the intersection of tradition and innovation.