Spokane Poetry Slam used grant funds to create an anthology which can be sold and distributed. This poetry collection highlighted the talented slam poets that have emerged from the Spokane scene, which represents a diverse cross-section of communities in Spokane. “We will not only publish the “best of” work from past National Poetry Slam team members, including about 30 local poets, but also reach out to those who’ve shaped Spokane Poetry Slam as an organization. We would like to do an original press run of 300 copies, with a collection of 70 – 120 pages each,” says Emily Gwinn. Sales of the collection were a fundraiser toward the funds necessary for Spokane to host the Individual World Poetry Slam in October 2017.
Not only the Spokane literary scene benefited from the national exposure by hosting iWPS (Individual World Poetry Slam), but Spokane also gained attention as a destination city. Ninety-six of the nation’s top-performing, touring poets filled our city streets with words, and brought dollars to spend at our local restaurants, bars, and businesses.