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Opportunity: Spokane Art School Accepting Applications for 2024 Gallery Schedule

Aritistic Discipline: Visual

The Spokane Art School is a non-profit arts institution established in 1968. Our mission is to teach Spokane to make and enjoy art.

Visual artists from Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho will be considered.

Spokane Art School (SAS) is committed to fostering diverse, equitable, and intentional inclusivity in all aspects of our work to fulfill our mission of teaching Spokane to make and enjoy art. We start from the assumption that everyone belongs and that we all benefit most when we learn from and with each other. The school creates opportunities for each person to explore their own beliefs, values, and cultures so that, as a community, we can fully embrace the experience, ideas, perspectives, and traditions of all who come to learn and create here. We collaborate to make a space where persons from all identities, backgrounds, viewpoints, and experiences are embraced, validated, and supported.

  • Submitted work must have been created within the last 3 years.
  • Please submit at least 6 digital images for review.
  • To ensure all images stay with the application the digital files must be named in the following format:
    a. Lastname_Firstname_1
    b. Lastname_Firstname_2
    c. Lastname_Firstname_3
  • Include your Academic Curriculum Vitae (if you have one) along with a list of any shows or exhibits you’ve had.
  • Submit a letter of interest (not to exceed 350 words).
  • Applications submitted electronically to
  • Artists will be chosen by a jury and accepted artists will be notified by email.
  • Gallery dates will be negotiated between the SAS and the successful applicant
  • All work must be for sale unless special dispensation is given by the Spokane Art School and must be discussed before the show is booked.
  • The Spokane Art School’s commission is 40%.

Applications will be accepted until all of the 2024 available dates are filled.

Please contact the Spokane Art School, or 509-325-1500 with any questions.

Point of Contact: Jodi Davis
Expires: September 30, 2023