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Artist: Milo KrimsHe/Him/His

Artistic Discipline: Music, Visual
Location: Spokane, WA

My name is Milo Krims.
I am a Photographer, Musician and writer of Short Stories, Poetry and Prose. In all of my work, I am self taught and draw inspiration from the little connections between the living world and the inanimate. The voices that hang behind the things we pretend are only there for our passing glance or moments of thoughtful gazing, but to me are profound just in their being and deserve a moment of pause.

Ripe Mangos is a music project that I have been exploring since 2006. With this project, as written above, I write songs about my relationship, with myself, with others, and with the little things that gather on my windowsill and how the light sets on them, giving them new shapes and in that, helping me see their depth.

In making Photos, at this stage, I enjoy holding onto the fluid grittiness and simple beauty of a changing Spokane. Riding my bike around or walking, it is incredible to see something standing one day, charged with history, then completely zapped from existence, leaving only the trace that something once was. It’s these things, I find special and want to create a space for them to rest.

Yew-Yaw is an Open Art Collective allowing for the exploration of ones self through any Art form(s) that offer up the freedom needed to do so. It is also an educational platform, used to share information about those Mediums, how they can be applied and how to do so in a way that feels true, for those wanting to learn.

Feel Free to Email me to join Yew-Yaw Art Collective, to purchase any of my work, for Portraiture Commissions and to stay informed about any upcoming projects or events.

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