Job Description: This is a part-time position paid from the Sorensen Magnet Fund. It pays a stipend of $7,480.00 for the school year. It also offers an additional stipend for researching and writing grants for the school arts and humanities programs. Amount to be determined based on applicant skills in researching and writing grants.
An ability to work with our staff and students in carrying forward our school mission and vision
Serve on school Magnet Committee- Assist in establishing annual budget and magnet programming for the school.
Serve on Arts and Humanities committee- Assist in scheduling and coordinating school events and collaborating with staff.
Recruiting/Working and enculturating the artist with our building staff and in the classrooms during Artist in Residence events.
Recruiting local artists to present to our staff at Staff A&H collaboration
Assist with recruiting Artist in Residence candidates to teach artist-in-residence programs at the school periodically throughout the school year.
Seeking out and writing grants to help fund school programs- There is an extra stipend for this work.
Building connections with our community; administer press releases within the school district and Coeur d’Alene community.
This position requires an individual who is organized, connected to the arts community, has clerical skills in designing schedules, writing grants, creating press releases, collaborating with our staff, recruiting artists, and supporting the residency programs at Sorensen Magnet School.