Creative Work: I am a local artist who specializes in large-scale muraling, featuring floral and botanical pieces.
Artist Bio: I find that in life I must always be content with what I have while working for what I want. My journey has been one of striking a balance between artist and mother. I have learned that there are times for contemplation and times to create. One constant pulse has pulled me toward my true passion, painting. Creating large-scale impact and transforming small spaces with just a simple paintbrush and vision have kept me centered. If the trials of 2020 have taught me anything, it is that creating in the calm, and quiet brings us all a bit of joy. Something as simple as a flower mural can bring one the most pleasure and remind us of the beauty that surrounds us. Painting these images is a form of pure love for me. My constant need to express has driven me to one truth; I was created to create.
Artist Statement: Helen Keller stated, “The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.” I believe that art continues to adapt and change through life and the need to express and bring visions to life in a tangible way will always be what makes humanity come to life. Art speaks where the words cannot.
Instagram: @tobyrae
Facebook: toby keough