Fat Gratitude Productions is a Spokane-based film production company founded by siblings Sherri Bylenga and Jeremy Urann, dedicated to creating films that inspire hope and celebrate inclusivity, as showcased in their SAGA-funded feature-length romantic comedy, HOTSHOTS.
HOTSHOTS is a celebration of queer joy, written and directed by Bylenga and Urann. The film follows a small-town bikini barista with big dreams as she creates the first-ever queer bikini coffee stand. Through humor and heart, HOTSHOTS explores themes of empowerment, community, and self-acceptance.
SAGA funding will support securing three essential filming locations in Spokane, which will double as a production office, storage, and art department prep space. This project will employ over 60 creatives, prioritizing LGBTQIA+ and Spokane-based talent, and aims to showcase the region’s beauty and creative community.