Inner Colors | RenovArt

Thursday, September 14, 2023 starting at 6:30 p.m. at the venue of Lega Navale Italiana Sezione di Matera – Magna Grecia in Matera is scheduled to host the opening of Inner Colors, an exhibition of international artists.

From Sept. 14 to Oct. 08, 2023, the venue of Lega Navale Italiana Sezione di Matera – Magna Grecia in Matera will host the group exhibition Inner Colors featuring the works of international artists. The exhibition is curated by Art Historian Dr. Carmela Loiacono, in collaboration with ApuliaAste, Lega Navale Italiana Sezione di Matera – Magna Grecia and MaterAcqua, and with the patronage of the Municipality of Matera, Province of Matera and Ambiente Basilicata.

Shafaq Ahmad, Pakistan/USA
Małgorzata Czerniawska, Poland
Miho Endo, Japan
Julie Hammonds, UK
Ewe Klimik, Poland
Magnus Lindblom, Sweden
Riitta Nelimarkka, Finland
Aristea Panagiotakopoulou, Greece
Lucia Ravens, USA
Irina Schiwon, Germany
Adriana Setter, Italy
Ardea Thurston-Shaine, Canada
Alida Velea, Romania

Lega Navale Italiana Sezione di Matera – Magna Grecia
via Fiorentini 103-107 – 75100, Matera, Italy

OPENING September 14, 2023 | starting from 6:30PM
September 14 – October 08, 2023 | 10:00AM-12:00PM | 5:00 PM – 7:00PM
From Tuesday to Sunday | Entry free

FOR INFO AND CONTACTS | | +39 0809674559